Tupac at Coachella. How I felt about his return from the dead.

After 16 years, tupac made a appearance to sing two songs next to his old friends Dr.dre and Snoop Dogg. Digital domain is the production company that brought Pac to life, which is the same company that was responsible for creating a young Jeff Bridges in the new “Tron” movie (which after hearing that makes perfect sense).  Although digital domain wont release information about how the hologram is created they did say a hologram of this caliber could range anywhere from $100,000 to $400,000 to create.

Not being the biggest tupac fan to begin with, I wasn’t as moved by his return as I’m sure others were. If it were up to me John Bonham would have made a ghostly reappearance to play “Moby Dick” with the other members of Zeppelin one last time, or maybe “A Whole Lotta Love.” But I digress. Though gangster rap isn’t typically on my list of music in my zune library, the amazing realism they were able to put on stage is mind blowing. Not only was this an all new performance from Mr.Shakur, he also said “whats up coachella?!” and was able to converse back and forth at Snoop gesturing to him like he was there in the flesh.

But just as quickly as he came back, he vanished in a white light and faded back into our memory. If you guys could have a artist come back from the grave to do a concert, who would you choose and why? Also go ahead and look at the performance below!