7 Must-See Films of 2012

Hello readers! Please give a very warm welcome to our friend and newest addition to the pwrcords.com writing team, Marshal Ellison! For his first post, Marshal made up a list of films he is positive will rock your face in 2012. Be sure to comment, and be on the look-out for more articles from Marshal in the near future!

As of right now 2012 is looking like it is going to be a pretty phenomenal year for movies. The year is full of many long awaited sequels and prequels, as well as some

new films from great directors like Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill) and Alfonso Cuarón (Children of Men, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban). Here’s a quick rundown of what to expect.


Thirty years afte the release of Blade Runner, Ridley Scott finally ends his sci-fi hiatus and is returning to the genre with a prequel to the Alien movies [Ed. Note – Fuck. Yes.]. The film was originally going to be a direct prequel that led right into Alien, but instead ended up being more focused on the giant species killed by the “aliens” that the crew of the Nostromo discovered at the beginning of the original Alien.

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Anyone who saw Children of Men knows Alfonso Cuarón can do action, and he can do it with style. Gravity is set to have that same intense cinematography filled with long takes that made Children of Men so good. This apparently simple story about a pair of survivors from a repair mission, trying to get home has already received praise from director Guillermo Del Toro who said it will push “a new boundary of filmmaking”. Not much else is known at this point, other than it will star George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, will be in 3D, and the first twenty minutes are one long take.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I know I am not alone when I say that The Hobbit was always my favorite out of the Lord of the Rings series [Ed. Note – something everyone at pwrcords.com agrees on.]. Peter Jackson brings us back to Middle Earth with part one of The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey. Jackson is splitting the adventure into two parts to tell the story in full, leaving out as little as possible. Martin Freeman stars in the film, portraying Bilbo Baggins, and Ian McKellen returns once again taking on the role of Gandalf, amongst a highly promising cast.

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The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight trilogy comes to its epic conclusion with Tom Hardy playing the villain, Bane, and Anne Hatheway appearing as Cat Woman. The first two Batman movies Christopher Nolan made are arguably some of the best super hero movies of all time, and based on his résumé stacked with other great films, I am sure it will not be a disappointment. Joeseph Gordon-Levitt joins the cast, as well as Liam Nieson once again playing the role of Ra’s Al Ghul, and of course, Christian Bale once again playing Bruce Wayne.

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Django Unchained

Django Unchained is a film directed by Quentin Tarantino about a slave-turned-bounty-hunter and his trek across America in his journey to save his wife. While not an actual remake of the 1966 film Django, Tarantino did admit to be influenced by the film. With an all-star cast consisting of Leonardo DiCaprio, Sacha Baron Cohen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Christoph Waltz, and Jamie Foxx and with all of Tarantino’s style this will be one you won’t want to miss

World War Z

Based on the novel by Max Brooks, World War Z is the story of a U.N. employee racing around the world in an attempt to stop the zombie pandemic. World War Z will have less of a George Romero feel and more of the intense action packed style of Children of Men. Based on the fact that director Marc Forster has a budget of $125 million to work with and the fact that reviews of the script all say it is great we might be looking at the next big zombie flick.

Iron Sky

Timo Vuorensola is directing Iron Sky, a film about Nazis launching an attack on Earth from their Moon base. Nazis invading Earth from their Moon base. Need I say more?