Cloud Atlas Review

What it is: Cloud Atlas is a film co-directed by The Wachowski Brothers and Tom Tykwer and it is an adaptation of the novel of the same name written by David Mitchell. The film has a large cast full of big names including Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, Ben Whishaw, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess and Hugh Grant. The film is kind of revolutionary in the sense that we have actors taking on multiple roles in different storylines as well as time periods.

My thoughts on it: Cloud Atlas was ok. Despite all of the negative reviews I wanted this movie to be good and I wanted the reviews to be wrong. Unfortunately, for the most part they weren’t.

The thing that really felt like Cloud Atlas’s downfall was the same thing that made it unique in the first place: the multiple storylines. The entire theme of the movie was that everything is connected and that was the purpose of all the different storylines. Now for a movie to take on so many independent story lines they need to be relevant to one another and the problem here was that they weren’t. There were a couple of tiny details that reappeared over the course of the movie but most of them seemed incredibly insignificant in comparison to everything else that was happening.

The single cool connection between all of the story lines was the same actors playing different roles. This really accomplished the sense of a soul or one entity that grows and changes with each life. While we see every character reappearing in at least a minor role in each story it is Tom Hanks’ character(s) that really has the most apparent growth. Tom Hanks was really kind of the high light of the cast and out of everyone he really felt like he had the widest array of vastly different characters in the film. I mean the entire cast did a good job but it was Hanks who really stole the show. But with that being said, I found myself really impressed by Ben Whishaw as well as Hugo Weaving who made for a really good villain in almost every arc.

So we are presented with a handful of independent stories bundle into one movie. Now I still don’t think it would have been significantly different if each story belonged to the same genre but each story in Cloud Atlas felt like it belonged to a different genre. We have our two sci-fi stories, our romantic drama, the family comedy, and our colonial expedition. There was a little bit of a bridge between the two futuristic storylines but other than that each story felt like it should have been its own movie.

Now with all of that being said the way each story was pieced together was pretty sweet. They would jump simultaneously from one high point to another, one downfall to the next. They found similar moments from other stories and jumped seamlessly back and forth. It uses the thematic parallels across all the stories to weave them together. So the movie as a whole had great flow despite the plethora of different stories.

All in all, Cloud Atlas was ok. It had some great visuals and some terrible prosthetics. It had some really cool ideas and concepts conveyed over the multiple stories but in the end it felt a little jumbled. Cloud Atlas is revolutionary in the sense that it pushes conventional movie making in a new direction but by looking at so many individual stories it kind of felt like it was focusing more on quantity rather than quality. I don’t mean each individual story was lacking quality but simply I left the movie wishing I had seen each one fleshed out more. I have heard from those who have read the book that they loved the film and as I watched it I got the impression that I would have gotten more out of it if I had read it as well.

Cloud Atlas was a movie I really wanted to like but it fell short in several areas. It is incredibly memorable and pretty interesting despite being a little convoluted. Definitely not a movie you need to see in theater but I would say it is worth picking up from a RedBox. I give Cloud Atlas a 3.5/5.



New LOW-DOWN is up. This week we go over some good news and bad news as well as a couple new releases. Also I tried out a different song so let us know what you think of it. Also I used the animated Looper trailer instead of the actual trailer because the animated version is infinitely cooler. Just sayin.

8 Movies to Still be Excited About this Year

This past Saturday officially marked the beginning of Fall and the last quarter of the year. While we might be coming out this absolutely amazing Summer full of blockbusters we still have quite a few big hits coming out before the end of the year. From Middle-Earth to the middle of the sea I have got a list of eight movies that you all should still be very excited about this year.


Looper is the upcoming sci-fi movie starring Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as young Bruce Willis. The movie actually is hitting theaters this weekend and the positive reviews have already been coming in. Not only does it star two awesome actors but it is an original and exciting time traveling movie that aims to establish that perfect balance between kick ass action sequences and being mentally stimulating. I have yet to find myself unimpressed with JGL and Bruce Willis is in it. Need any more reasons to check it out?

Cloud Atlas

The Wachowski brothers are back and they seek to reclaim that high water mark they left on the sci-fi genre with the Matrix with their upcoming film, Cloud Atlas. Based on the David Mitchell with the same title, Cloud Atlas is still somewhat of mystery to those unfamiliar with the book. Tom Hanks, Hugo Weaving, and Halle Berry are some of the big names that make up the cast and all of these amazing actors are actually going to be playing multiple roles throughout the film. The movie is definitely a sci-fi film but it appears to take place at several points in time ranging from the past, present, and future. Based on the footage we have seen so far this movie could definitely serve to reestablish the Wachowski Bros as the kings of sci-fi.

The Man with the Iron Fists

During production of Django Unchained it looked like Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA might be joining Tarantino on the project but it turns out they were working on something else. The Man with Iron Fists is a Kung-Fu film written by RZA, produced by Tarantino and stars Kurt Russell. With credentials like that paired with the Kung-Fu genre are the recipe for one kick ass movie. We know RZA can write lyrics and at least at the moment seems to be pretty capable of writing screenplays.

Wreck-It Ralph

John C. Riley stars in what appears to be the Scott Pligrim of this year. The premise of the film is that a video game villain gets sick of being the bad guy and starts jumping from game to game. This animated flick seems a lot like a modern take on Toy Story for the current generation and while it appears to be catering to that specific demographic the trailer has got our attention by showing off some classic and trademarked villains such as Bower, Pacman ghosts and others. This one should be an amazing blend of comedy, sweet action and nostalgia.


Daniel Craig is back once again as M16’s most sylish secret again. Craig has been one of the most popular Bonds to date which makes his return directed by Sam Mendes highly anticipated. Antagonizing Craig in this newest Bond installment is Javier Bordem who has proven how capable of a villain he is in No Country for Old Men. This time around though he is significantly more blond. Blond, very blond.

Life of Pi

The popular and controversial book Life of Pi is finally being adapted and boy does it look amazing. When I first heard the book was being turned into a movie I was a little wary of how it would turn out due to vast majority of inner monologue which made up some 80% of the novel. As more and more footage is revealed though any doubts I originally had started to slip away. If anything the movie has most definitely captured the magic and fantasy of the book which is what really gets me excited about this movie.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Perhaps the one movie I am most excited about from this year. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is the first in a trilogy adaptation of Tolkiens’s The Hobbit. Martin Freeman is taking up the mantle of Bilbo and Sir Ian McKellan is returning once again as his role as Gandalf. While The Hobbit might have been a shorter read than the Lord of the Rings trilogy Jackson is using extra material from the appendices to really create a completely intensive, thorough and perfect Middle Earth experience. The question was floating around in the latest Power Cast –which can be found here– about whether we are expecting this trilogy to be superior to the original trilogy and I strongly believe that this could be the case.

Django Unchained

If one Tarantino movie a year wasn’t for you, you are in luck. While The Man with the Iron Fist is only produced by Tarantino, Django Unchained is both written and directed by the violence loving director. Tarantino’s first venture into the Western genre stars both Christoph Waltz and Jamie Foxx and apparently Waltz’s character is equal to the awesomeness of Hans Landa and Foxx is the coolest he has ever been. From people who got an early glimpse of the film at Cannes the two actors are not only amazing individually but the duo together are one of the best since Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. To top all of that Leonardo Dicaprio is taking on the role of the antagonist and he looks magnificently despicable. These amazing characters and actors paired with the fantastic directorial skills of Tarantino are sure to make Django Unchained one of the best of the year.

This year has already been incredible as far as movies go and it is only going to get better. While these are the ones I am most excited about there are even more out there that you shouldn’t miss. Once a few more of these bad boys are released you can be sure to expect a “Top Ten 2012 Movies” at some point or another from us. Either way, be sure to stay tuned to Powercords for all your movie news!

Cloud Atlas Trailer and Wachowski Bros Commentary

The Wachowski brothers have a bit of a spotty track record. On the one hand they have directed sci-fi classics such as The Matrix and they wrote the screenplay for the V for Vendetta adaptation, but on the other hand they are also responsible for the second two Matrix films as well as Speedracer. Now they are back once again with their next big science fiction film, Cloud Atlas.

Despite the Wachowski bros’ iffy resume Cloud Atlas looks like it has the potential to blow us away. First off it has a great cast featuring Tom Hanks, Hugo Weaving, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Ben Whishaw, and Jim Sturgess. Hanks involvement alone is enough to spark interest in the film and the other familiar faces only serve to sweeten the deal.

On top of that, the plot seems incredibly intriguing. I am not too familiar with the book so a lot of the beautiful footage shown in the extended trailer bewildered me but we know that we are going to be seeing several interweaving storylines over the course of thousands of years. We also know that the same actors are going to be playing multiple roles. After seeing this, the first thing it made me think of was The Fountain which is in no way a bad thing. The Matrix was and is still a groundbreaking science-fiction feat. Regardless of your feelings toward the later films you cannot deny this. Cloud Atlas looks like the Wachowski brothers are aiming to do this once again and from this glimpse into the film it looks like they are on the right track.

All in all, the trailer portrays the film as an intellectual, sci-fi fantasy adventure; kind of a mesh between The Fountain, Mr. Nobody, and Inception. Regardless of the directors’ past failures I believe that Cloud Atlas could be their next groundbreaking hit. The longer than normal trailer has got me excited for a film in a way I haven’t been in years. The trailer also features an M83 song in the background which was just the cherry on top for me.

The first trailer for the film came out several weeks ago but for those of you, who haven’t had the opportunity yet to watch it, check it out below as well as the Wachowski brothers’ brief commentary on it. The latter might not usually be as exciting as the trailer but this is especially notable due to the brother’s stance on never commenting on their films.



So what do you guys think about the trailer? Are you excited about the film? For those of you who have the read the book how are you feeling about the adaptation? Leave your thoughts and feelings in the comments below!

The Improv-Down

Crunch, crunch, crunch. Hey you guys! Brendan and myself our back once again for another LOW-DOWN. This week we talk about a couple big fantasy movies coming out, a couple sucky things and a couple things that seem less sucky than we originally concluded. Check out the video below!